
Friday, October 12, 2012

My Nachos Caught on Fire

See that handsome fella? That's my husband on the first day of our honeymoon. He's so happy to have a wife, but little does he know that she's going to be setting a few meals on fire. Oops.

When I first got married I was a minister's wife. I had a few recipes in my arsenal so I wasn't totally lost in the cooking department. I was determined to know all of his church members by name (I literally flipped through the membership book and memorized names), be warm and gracious, and mostly host people over for delicious meals!

I did memorize all the member's names, and I think I was fairly warm for a young preacher's wife. 20 years old and married to the minister. I put a lot of pressure on myself to get this right! I invited someone over for our first night of hosting. I made some delicious spaghetti, and was preparing to make a cake. I opened up the cake mix that exploded everywhere- and moments after that powder settled on the stove top, it caught fire! The whole apartment filled with smoke right as our guest arrived.

A few weeks later, I hosted some of the youth group over for a game day. I thought Nachos would be perfect and very easy, since I had caught the last meal on fire. Nope - I did it again! The youth minister had to put that one out.

Then pork chops and rice. I set the rice on fire.

Then pizza. No fire, but it was black.

The church threw us a wedding shower, and our most memorable gift was a fire extinguisher. Which we were actually quite thankful for since we didn't want our apartment to burn down.

I still occasionally REALLY burn some good food. I feel like the Steve Urkel of cooking..."Did I do that??"

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